Day 4 - Destination: Kansas City
(... the Kansas side)

The rest of Missouri was beautiful - lots of rivers, hills, farms, trees. Very peaceful. Aside from a few annoying drivers, who haven't learned the intricacies of the passing lane, it was great driving. Both Susi and I are delighting in seeing more of the country than we knew. It's a strange feeling of being simultaneously "a stranger in a strange land" and completely at home.
On Nanette's advice, we stopped in Columbia, MO, where Susi's parents did ministry for a number of years before she was born. We were looking for "The Cool Cafe" based on a road sponsership sign we saw, and as we turned on the main drag, we saw this:

It feels so good to hit the open road again...Hungry for Bum, for the wind in my hair, unconscientious cigarettes and good music. Freedom. No contraints but the speed limit and our wills.
We are sitting in a little coffee house called Lakota in downtown Columbia, MO. Mom & Dad's old stomping grounds. This cafe feels like the college town that Columbia is.
Brick walls, local artwork, good quiet music (boy & his guitar genre) strumming in the background, rustic wood chairs and tables, internet hookups, and college kids...
There's a good mix of non-college locals here as well. A man, about 60 or so, with a huge white beard is lounging at the bar with his granddaughter. I hope.
And btw, Columbia is also the birthplace of your oldest brother and your ONLY sister!
Yeah, I'm guessing you would have seen more college students during the school year.
Feel really loved! ;-)
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